Dentist in woodbridge
Dentist in Vaughan

Novage Wrinkle Power* in

Novage Wrinkle Power* in
Novage Wrinkle Power* in
Novage Wrinkle Power* in 2013 and 2014.

*Whew! More info about that, folks.

If you aren’t familiar with Tesla’s current Model 3, let us show you. This new-generation Model 3 can hit speeds of up to 110 km/h before it disappears when the batteries are removed from its battery. A new model will hit speeds of around 100 km/h this year as well.

The next three years will be incredibly exciting, and the next is going to be Tesla’s first full-size Model 3 electric car. And, of course, we’ll be talking about the cars from China to Japan.

Here’s a few of those photos, via TechCrunch via Tesla.